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AWANA Clubs for kids K-5th Grade meet every Wednesday during the school year from 6:15-7:30 pm. AWANA is an acronym from

2 Timothy 2:15  — Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed.


AWANA is a fun approach to making the Bible alive and relevant with caring trained leaders who invest time, love and wisdom into shaping children’s lives. While kids are having fun together each Wednesday night, they’re learning about Jesus and growing in their faith in Him too. They learn Bible verses and spiritual truths, they encounter life lessons that feed their soul, and they participate in games and activities that train their bodies.

AWANA Schedule

AWANA meets on Wednesday nights throughout the school year 6:15 pm-7:30 pm. This cool kids’ program is for:


Cubbies  — Preschool 3-5 yrs old (by September 1)


Sparks — Kindergarten, Grades 1st, and 2nd

T&T (Truth in Training) — Grades 3rd -5th

A staffed nursery is available for ages 0-3 to better allow parent participation

Parent Involvement

Fresh Encounter encourages every parent to be involved in AWANA. When you register your child, we ask that you consider volunteering in any way possible.


For the safety and protection of our children and volunteers, we do require everyone that serves, including parents, complete a background check.

To learn more about Awana, please visit their website HERE


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Harlan, IA., 51537

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