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At Fresh Encounter Church, our mission is to explore the Word and solidify our faith. To find, follow, and face the absolute truth. Encountering Christ in a real and relevant way to help those who choose to follow Christ find their calling, connect to others, to reach people far from God and restore them to a place of freedom in Christ so that they can make a difference in our community and around the world. 


We are not a social club or a self-help group. However, we are a group that has an intense focus on the Word of God. We believe that far too many people have never truly encountered the God of the Bible, but some form of God that was invented by themselves or someone else. It is our hope that everyone would come to know the real God because that is an encounter that will forever change them. You see, we don't change anyone, God does. We simply provide the space and allow that possibility to become a reality.



Since we are made in the image of God, we need relationships. We believe it is not just necessary, but it is vital to connect with others because together we are stronger. From the very beginning, God said it's not good for us to be alone. The first and only time Jesus felt alone was on the cross when he took on our sin because sin always separates us from God. So, He used His power and creative mind to ensure we are not alone. More important than our connections with others, is the connection to God. We believe that we must dedicate our lives to returning to the heart of God. The connection we left when we decided to follow our own desires, and that separation always brings us to a place of sorrow. It's only because of what Christ did on the cross, that connection can be restored.


Once we catch a glimpse of who God truly is, we begin to explore who we are in Him. While exploring, we can sometimes wander down the wrong path and need loving people to help guide us back. Mistakes are inevitable, but we must never be allowed to dwell on them. Instead, let's help each other up, dust ourselves off, keep moving forward, and together we'll help each other find our identity in Christ and our purpose. Accountability is also vital because when we start to go down the wrong path, we need people in our lives to make us aware of those choices that could lead to other mistakes.


From the moment of conception, when we were conceived, God made each of us unique. We are able to do things in a way that no one else can. God designed us for a specific purpose and gave us gifts and talents to fulfill that purpose. But, because sin separates us from God and the damage that it does to us, we lose sight of that. We become strangers to God and often use our talents and gifts for our own personal gain. Through a renewed and restored relationship with God, He can, and will, lovingly make us a new creation. Although, like any restoration, it requires repairing the damage that has been done, which is not always an easy process. However, the end result is a product of God's original design, allowing us to fulfill the purpose we were made for, our true calling! 


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